(See glossary for explanation of terms used in this document)
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the government agency responsible for regulating medicines and medical devices in the UK. We continually review the safety of all medicines in the UK, and inform healthcare professionals and the public of the latest updates. In our public assessment reports, we discuss the evidence for a safety issue associated with a particular drug or drug class. This report discusses our review of the risk of male breast cancer associated with finasteride.
(See glossary for explanation of terms used in this document)
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the government agency responsible for regulating medicines and medical devices in the UK. We continually review the safety of all medicines in the UK, and inform healthcare professionals and the public of the latest updates. In our public assessment reports, we discuss the evidence for a safety issue associated with a particular drug or drug class. This report discusses our review of the risk of male breast cancer associated with finasteride.
In the UK, 5 mg finasteride (Proscar) is indicated for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Finasteride is also licensed at 1 mg (Propecia) to treat androgenetic alopecia in men.
Although the safety of finasteride has remained under close review by the MHRA since 1998, there has been an increasing number of case reports received by the MHRA of male breast cancer associated with finasteride products. This prompted a review of the evidence on the risk of male breast cancer with finasteride use. The following report summarises the evidence and conclusions from the review, which included data from clinical trials, reports of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) received after licensinga, a Prescription Event Monitoring (PEM) studyb, and data from the scientific literature. The review also considered whether there was a plausible biological mechanism for male breast cancer to occur with finasteride use, which is summarised at the end of this report.
Although the safety of finasteride has remained under close review by the MHRA since 1998, there has been an increasing number of case reports received by the MHRA of male breast cancer associated with finasteride products. This prompted a review of the evidence on the risk of male breast cancer with finasteride use. The following report summarises the evidence and conclusions from the review, which included data from clinical trials, reports of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) received after licensinga, a Prescription Event Monitoring (PEM) studyb, and data from the scientific literature. The review also considered whether there was a plausible biological mechanism for male breast cancer to occur with finasteride use, which is summarised at the end of this report.
An enzyme that converts testosterone into the more potent hormone dihydrotestosterone
Active treatment
The drug that is being evaluated in a study
A malignant tumour that originates in structures in the body called glands
Tissue in the body that is made of fat cells
A substance that is given in addition to a medicine or a vaccine, to enhance their activity. The substance has no direct effect by itself.
Alpha adrenoceptor (blocker)
A protein on a cell or nerve, to which chemicals in the body called catecholamines bind. The blocker also binds to this protein and produces effects such as contraction of blood vessels and an increase in blood pressure
An aromatase inhibitor given to treat breast cancer
A substance that blocks the action of another in the body
A group of hormones that stimulate the development of male sex organs
An androgen produced by a structure in the body called the adrenal gland
An enzyme that converts testosterone to oestrogen
Aromatase inhibitor
Drugs that inhibit the action of aromatase, and are used to treat advanced oestrogen-dependent breast cancer in women who have gone through the menopause
A tumour that is non-malignant or non-cancerous
A distribution of events where two values peak and are more frequent than others
BRCA1/2 gene
A gene that increases the risk of women getting breast and ovarian cancer, and men getting breast and prostate cancer.
Cancer originating in the epithelium
The prevention or treatment of diseases such as cancer, using chemical substances
A piece of DNA found in cells that contains many genes
Clinical study
A research study that tests medicines in humans
Congenital inguinal hernia
A condition present at birth, where fat or part of the lower digestive tract protrudes from its normal position through a weak part of the stomach wall
A product formed from the action of 5α-reductase on testosterone
An alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist, used to treat high blood pressure and relieve urinary retention due to BPH
A drug used to treat BPH
Arising within, or derived from, the body
Where a structure in the body is filled with fluid, eg blood
A protein in the body that speeds up biological reactions
The study of the occurrence, distribution and control of a medical condition or disease in a population
Tissue that lines the skin and internal organs of the body
Follicle-stimulating hormone
A hormone that stimulates egg development in women and sperm production in men
A unit of a chromosome made of material called DNA. Genes are found in every cell in the body, and determines the proteins that the cell should produce and an individual’s unique traits
One of several organs or groups of cells in the body that produce certain substances, which are either used by the body or are excreted. A type of gland called an endocrine gland produces hormones
Enlargement of breasts in men, either due to a hormone imbalance or to certain drug treatments
Abnormal hairiness
A substance produced by one part of the body that travels to another part of the body and causes a physiological effect
An increased production and growth of normal cells in body tissue or organs seen in conditions such as BPH
Inability of a man to achieve an erection
The number of new episodes of an illness or medical condition that occurs in a specific population over a specific period
Any of the conditions for which a particular medicine may be prescribed, as defined by its licence
Klinefelter’s syndrome
A genetic disorder in men, characterised by sexual abnormalities such as small testicles, gynaecomastia and reduced fertility
Luteinising hormone
A hormone that stimulates egg release from the ovaries in women
Describes a tumour or cancer that invades, spreads and destroys tissue in the body
Related to the breast
Pain in the breast
Surgical removal of a breast
An average: the middle value in a range of values in a sample
The chemical processes or changes that occur in the body in order to maintain life. This involves either breaking down substances or making new ones
A drug used to treat several conditions, including hair loss
A benign or malignant tumour
A type of oestrogen hormone that is produced by the ovary
A hormone that controls female sexual development
A female sex hormone
Prescribing a drug for a condition or disease that is not listed in the product’s information leaflet, based on a health professional’s judgement.
(Also spelt ‘orchidectomy’) Surgical removal of a testicle
Inflammation of the testicle
Paget’s disease (of the breast)
A malignant condition of the nipple, associated with underlying breast cancer
The study of disease
The total number of years that a patient in a study has been under observation, eg, the number of years that a patient is treated with a certain drug
Identifying, assessing and responding to safety issues that emerge for medicines used in clinical practice
Normal body function (not related to disease)
Inactive dummy treatment given in a clinical trial to a particular patient group so their responses can be compared with the group receiving the test medicine
Referring to the time after egg release in a woman, when the body produces progesterone and is ready for pregnancy
A hormone that prepares the body for pregnancy
A male sex gland
Surgical removal of the prostate gland
Prostate-specific antigen
A protein produced by the prostate. Levels of this protein are increased when the prostate is enlarged or inflamed, and are significantly higher than normal in prostate cancer
Treatment of disease with a machine that produces radiation, such as an X-ray machine
Randomised controlled trials
A clinical trial in which the study participants are randomly assigned to receive either the test medicine or either a placebo or comparator medicine
The clear component of blood
The substance that an enzyme acts upon
A drug used to treat breast cancer
An alpha adrenoceptor antagonist used to treat symptoms of BPH
An enzyme that controls the replication of telomeres, which are the end parts of chromosomes
Related to time
The main male sex hormone, which is part of the androgen hormone group
Passing through, or performed via, the tube that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body
An abnormal swelling in the body
Production of an ulcer: a break in the epithelium or the membrane lining the digestive tract
Urinary flow rates
Measure of the quantity of urine produced in a specific period
Urinary retention
Inability to pass urine from the bladder, usually due to an obstruction
An enzyme that converts testosterone into the more potent hormone dihydrotestosterone
Active treatment
The drug that is being evaluated in a study
A malignant tumour that originates in structures in the body called glands
Tissue in the body that is made of fat cells
A substance that is given in addition to a medicine or a vaccine, to enhance their activity. The substance has no direct effect by itself.
Alpha adrenoceptor (blocker)
A protein on a cell or nerve, to which chemicals in the body called catecholamines bind. The blocker also binds to this protein and produces effects such as contraction of blood vessels and an increase in blood pressure
An aromatase inhibitor given to treat breast cancer
A substance that blocks the action of another in the body
A group of hormones that stimulate the development of male sex organs
An androgen produced by a structure in the body called the adrenal gland
An enzyme that converts testosterone to oestrogen
Aromatase inhibitor
Drugs that inhibit the action of aromatase, and are used to treat advanced oestrogen-dependent breast cancer in women who have gone through the menopause
A tumour that is non-malignant or non-cancerous
A distribution of events where two values peak and are more frequent than others
BRCA1/2 gene
A gene that increases the risk of women getting breast and ovarian cancer, and men getting breast and prostate cancer.
Cancer originating in the epithelium
The prevention or treatment of diseases such as cancer, using chemical substances
A piece of DNA found in cells that contains many genes
Clinical study
A research study that tests medicines in humans
Congenital inguinal hernia
A condition present at birth, where fat or part of the lower digestive tract protrudes from its normal position through a weak part of the stomach wall
A product formed from the action of 5α-reductase on testosterone
An alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist, used to treat high blood pressure and relieve urinary retention due to BPH
A drug used to treat BPH
Arising within, or derived from, the body
Where a structure in the body is filled with fluid, eg blood
A protein in the body that speeds up biological reactions
The study of the occurrence, distribution and control of a medical condition or disease in a population
Tissue that lines the skin and internal organs of the body
Follicle-stimulating hormone
A hormone that stimulates egg development in women and sperm production in men
A unit of a chromosome made of material called DNA. Genes are found in every cell in the body, and determines the proteins that the cell should produce and an individual’s unique traits
One of several organs or groups of cells in the body that produce certain substances, which are either used by the body or are excreted. A type of gland called an endocrine gland produces hormones
Enlargement of breasts in men, either due to a hormone imbalance or to certain drug treatments
Abnormal hairiness
A substance produced by one part of the body that travels to another part of the body and causes a physiological effect
An increased production and growth of normal cells in body tissue or organs seen in conditions such as BPH
Inability of a man to achieve an erection
The number of new episodes of an illness or medical condition that occurs in a specific population over a specific period
Any of the conditions for which a particular medicine may be prescribed, as defined by its licence
Klinefelter’s syndrome
A genetic disorder in men, characterised by sexual abnormalities such as small testicles, gynaecomastia and reduced fertility
Luteinising hormone
A hormone that stimulates egg release from the ovaries in women
Describes a tumour or cancer that invades, spreads and destroys tissue in the body
Related to the breast
Pain in the breast
Surgical removal of a breast
An average: the middle value in a range of values in a sample
The chemical processes or changes that occur in the body in order to maintain life. This involves either breaking down substances or making new ones
A drug used to treat several conditions, including hair loss
A benign or malignant tumour
A type of oestrogen hormone that is produced by the ovary
A hormone that controls female sexual development
A female sex hormone
Prescribing a drug for a condition or disease that is not listed in the product’s information leaflet, based on a health professional’s judgement.
(Also spelt ‘orchidectomy’) Surgical removal of a testicle
Inflammation of the testicle
Paget’s disease (of the breast)
A malignant condition of the nipple, associated with underlying breast cancer
The study of disease
The total number of years that a patient in a study has been under observation, eg, the number of years that a patient is treated with a certain drug
Identifying, assessing and responding to safety issues that emerge for medicines used in clinical practice
Normal body function (not related to disease)
Inactive dummy treatment given in a clinical trial to a particular patient group so their responses can be compared with the group receiving the test medicine
Referring to the time after egg release in a woman, when the body produces progesterone and is ready for pregnancy
A hormone that prepares the body for pregnancy
A male sex gland
Surgical removal of the prostate gland
Prostate-specific antigen
A protein produced by the prostate. Levels of this protein are increased when the prostate is enlarged or inflamed, and are significantly higher than normal in prostate cancer
Treatment of disease with a machine that produces radiation, such as an X-ray machine
Randomised controlled trials
A clinical trial in which the study participants are randomly assigned to receive either the test medicine or either a placebo or comparator medicine
The clear component of blood
The substance that an enzyme acts upon
A drug used to treat breast cancer
An alpha adrenoceptor antagonist used to treat symptoms of BPH
An enzyme that controls the replication of telomeres, which are the end parts of chromosomes
Related to time
The main male sex hormone, which is part of the androgen hormone group
Passing through, or performed via, the tube that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body
An abnormal swelling in the body
Production of an ulcer: a break in the epithelium or the membrane lining the digestive tract
Urinary flow rates
Measure of the quantity of urine produced in a specific period
Urinary retention
Inability to pass urine from the bladder, usually due to an obstruction
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Vea el glosario para la explicación de los términos utilizados en este documento) .
Los medicamentos y Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) es el organismo gubernamental responsable de regular los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos en el Reino Unido. Revisamos continuamente la seguridad de todos los medicamentos en el Reino Unido, e informar a los profesionales sanitarios y al público de las últimas actualizaciones. En nuestros informes públicos de evaluación, se discute la evidencia de un problema de seguridad asociados a un medicamento en particular o clase de drogas. Este informe analiza nuestra revisión del riesgo de cáncer de mama masculino asociado con finasterida.
En el Reino Unido, 5 mg de finasterida (Proscar) está indicado para el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB). La finasterida es también la licencia de 1 mg (Propecia) para tratar la alopecia androgenética en varones. Aunque la seguridad de la finasterida se ha mantenido bajo examen por la MHRA desde 1998, ha habido un número creciente de informes de casos recibidos por la MHRA del cáncer del seno asociado con los productos de finasterida. Esto llevó a una revisión de la evidencia sobre el riesgo de cáncer de mama masculino con el uso de finasterida. El siguiente informe resume la evidencia y las conclusiones de la revisión, que incluyó datos de los ensayos clínicos, informes de reacciones adversas a medicamentos (RAM) se reciban después licencia, un Observatorio receta de eventos (PEM) studyb, y los datos de la literatura científica. La revisión también examinó si existía un mecanismo biológico plausible para el cáncer de mama masculino a ocurrir con el uso de finasteride, que se resume al final de este informe.
Vea el glosario para la explicación de los términos utilizados en este documento) .
Los medicamentos y Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) es el organismo gubernamental responsable de regular los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos en el Reino Unido. Revisamos continuamente la seguridad de todos los medicamentos en el Reino Unido, e informar a los profesionales sanitarios y al público de las últimas actualizaciones. En nuestros informes públicos de evaluación, se discute la evidencia de un problema de seguridad asociados a un medicamento en particular o clase de drogas. Este informe analiza nuestra revisión del riesgo de cáncer de mama masculino asociado con finasterida.
En el Reino Unido, 5 mg de finasterida (Proscar) está indicado para el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB). La finasterida es también la licencia de 1 mg (Propecia) para tratar la alopecia androgenética en varones. Aunque la seguridad de la finasterida se ha mantenido bajo examen por la MHRA desde 1998, ha habido un número creciente de informes de casos recibidos por la MHRA del cáncer del seno asociado con los productos de finasterida. Esto llevó a una revisión de la evidencia sobre el riesgo de cáncer de mama masculino con el uso de finasterida. El siguiente informe resume la evidencia y las conclusiones de la revisión, que incluyó datos de los ensayos clínicos, informes de reacciones adversas a medicamentos (RAM) se reciban después licencia, un Observatorio receta de eventos (PEM) studyb, y los datos de la literatura científica. La revisión también examinó si existía un mecanismo biológico plausible para el cáncer de mama masculino a ocurrir con el uso de finasteride, que se resume al final de este informe.
5α-reductasa Una enzima que convierte la testosterona en dihidrotestosterona la hormona más potente.
El tratamiento activo
La droga que está siendo evaluado en un estudio
Un tumor maligno que se origina en las estructuras del cuerpo, llamadas glándulas
El tejido en el cuerpo que se hace de las células de grasa
Una sustancia que se administra en adición a un medicamento o una vacuna, para mejorar su actividad. La sustancia no tiene efecto directo en sí mismo.
Los receptores adrenérgicos alfa (bloqueador) Una proteína en una celda o en el nervio, a la que los productos químicos en el organismo, la de obligar a las catecolaminas. El bloqueo también se une a esta proteína y produce efectos como la contracción de los vasos sanguíneos y un aumento de la presión arterial
Un inhibidor de la aromatasa para el tratamiento de determinado cáncer de mama
Una sustancia que bloquea la acción de otro en el cuerpo
Un grupo de hormonas que estimulan el desarrollo de los órganos sexuales masculinos
Un andrógeno producido por una estructura en el cuerpo llamada glándula suprarrenal
De la aromatasa
Una enzima que convierte la testosterona a los estrógenos Inhibidor de la aromatasa
Los medicamentos que inhiben la acción de la aromatasa, y se utilizan para el tratamiento de estrógenos avanzado cáncer de mama depende en mujeres que han pasado por la menopausia
Un tumor que no es maligno o no cancerosos
La distribución de los eventos en los dos valores de pico y son más frecuentes que otros
BRCA1 / 2 gene
Un gen que aumenta el riesgo de mujeres que el cáncer de mama y de ovario, y los hombres conseguir mama y de próstata.
Cáncer que se origina en el epitelio
La prevención o tratamiento de enfermedades como el cáncer, el uso de sustancias químicas
Un pedazo de ADN que se encuentra en las células que contiene muchos genes
Estudio clínico
Un estudio de investigación que las pruebas de medicamentos en seres humanos
Hernia inguinal
Una condición presente en el nacimiento, cuando la grasa o parte del tracto digestivo inferior sobresale de su posición normal a través de una parte débil de la pared del estómago
Un producto formado por la acción de la 5α-reductasa de la testosterona
Un antagonista de los receptores adrenérgicos alfa, usados para tratar la hipertensión arterial y aliviar la retención urinaria debido a la HBP
Un fármaco utilizado para tratar la HBP
Que surjan dentro, o deriva de, el cuerpo
Cuando una estructura en el cuerpo se llena de líquido, por ejemplo, sangre
Una proteína en el cuerpo que acelera las reacciones biológicas Epidemiología
El estudio de la incidencia, distribución y control de una condición médica o enfermedad en una población
Tejido que recubre la piel y órganos internos del cuerpo
Hormona folículo-estimulante
Una hormona que estimula el desarrollo del óvulo en las mujeres y la producción de esperma en los hombres
Una unidad de un cromosoma de un material llamado ADN. Los genes se encuentran en cada célula en el cuerpo, y determina las proteínas que la célula debe producir y rasgos únicos de un individuo
Uno de varios órganos o grupos de células en el cuerpo que producen determinadas sustancias, que son utilizados por el cuerpo o se excretan. Un tipo de glándula llamada glándula endocrina produce hormonas
Aumento de las mamas en los hombres, ya sea debido a un desequilibrio hormonal o de ciertos tratamientos farmacológicos
HirsutismoVellosidad anormal
Una sustancia producida por una parte del cuerpo que se desplaza a otra parte del cuerpo y provoca un efecto fisiológico
Un aumento de la producción y el crecimiento de células normales en los tejidos o los órganos visto en condiciones tales como la HBP Impotencia Incapacidad de un hombre para lograr una erección
El número de nuevos episodios de una enfermedad o condición médica que se produce en una población específica durante un período determinado Indicación
Cualquiera de las condiciones para que un medicamento en particular puede ser establecido, tal como se define por su licencia de Síndrome de Klinefelter Un trastorno genético en los hombres, que se caracteriza por anomalías sexuales, como los testículos pequeños, ginecomastia y reducción de la fertilidad
Hormona luteinizante
Una hormona que estimula la liberación de óvulos de los ovarios en la mujer
Describe un tumor o un cáncer que invade, se propaga y destruye el tejido en el cuerpo
Relacionado a la mama
Dolor en el pecho
La extirpación quirúrgica de la mama
Un promedio, el valor medio en un rango de valores en una muestra de Metabolismo
Los procesos químicos o cambios que se producen en el cuerpo con el fin de mantener la vida. Esto se debe ya sea rompiendo las sustancias o la realización de otras nuevas
Un fármaco utilizado para tratar varias condiciones, incluyendo la pérdida de cabello
Un tumor benigno o maligno
Un tipo de hormona estrógeno que es producida por el ovario
Los estrógenos
Una hormona que controla el desarrollo sexual de la mujer
Una hormona sexual femenina
La prescripción de un medicamento para una condición o enfermedad que no figure en el prospecto de información del producto, basada en un profesional de la salud de la sentencia.
Orquiectomía (También orquiectomía escanda ') La extirpación quirúrgica de un testículo
Inflamación de los testículos
La enfermedad de Paget (de la mama)
Una de las condiciones malignas del pezón, asociado con el cáncer de mama subyacente
El estudio de la enfermedad de Paciente-años
El número total de años que un paciente en un estudio ha estado bajo observación, por ejemplo, el número de años que un paciente es tratado con un medicamento determinado
Identificar, evaluar y responder a las cuestiones de seguridad que surgen de los medicamentos utilizados en la práctica clínica
Función normal del cuerpo (no relacionadas con la enfermedad)
PlaceboTratamiento inactivo ficticio que figura en un ensayo clínico para un grupo de pacientes en particular por lo que sus respuestas pueden ser comparadas con el grupo que recibió el medicamento de prueba
Refiriéndose al período posterior a la liberación de óvulos en una mujer, cuando el cuerpo produce progesterona y está listo para el embarazo
Una hormona que prepara al cuerpo para el embarazo
Una glándula sexual masculina
La extirpación quirúrgica de la glándula de la próstata
El antígeno prostático específico
Una proteína producida por la próstata. Los niveles de esta proteína se aumentan cuando la próstata se agranda o se inflama, y son significativamente más altos de lo normal en el cáncer de próstata
El tratamiento de la enfermedad con una máquina que produce la radiación, como una máquina de rayos X
Los ensayos controlados aleatorios
Un ensayo clínico en el que los participantes del estudio son asignados aleatoriamente para recibir el medicamento de prueba o un placebo o comparador de medicina
El componente claro de la sangre
La sustancia que actúa una enzima sobre Tamoxifeno
Un fármaco utilizado para tratar el cáncer de mama
Un antagonista de los receptores adrenérgicos alfa se usa para tratar los síntomas de la HPBT
Una enzima que controla la replicación de los telómeros, que son las partes finales de los cromosomas
Relacionadas con el tiempoTestosterona
La principal hormona sexual masculina, que forma parte del grupo de la hormona androgénica
Pasando por, o realizadas a través de, el tubo que transporta la orina desde la vejiga al exterior del cuerpo
Una hinchazón anormal en el cuerpo
La producción de una úlcera: un descanso en el epitelio o la membrana que recubre el tracto digestivo
Las tasas de flujo urinario
Medida de la cantidad de orina producida en un período determinado
La retención urinaria
Inhabilidad para pasar la orina de la vejiga, generalmente debido a una obstrucción
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